Depois de The New Life, os Girls Names preparam-se agora para editar o seu terceiro trabalho de estúdio intitulado de Arms Around A Vision cujo primeiro single de avanço, “Zero Triptych”, já é conhecido. O quarteto de Belfast avança agora com “A Hunger Artist” a segunda amostra deste novo longa duração que apresenta uma banda bem mais electrónica, e na onda new wave, que os seus percussores.
Ainda sobre o novo trabalho, o vocalista Cathal Cully avançou: “I’m not starving or anything, but I’ve practically been living hand to mouth since I was 22. Most guitar music now is just a playground for the rich middle classes and it’s really boring and elitist. We’re elitist in our own way, in that we’re on our own and you can’t fuck with us when we’ve nothing to lose. We’ve got nothing. We’ve never had anything. And we don’t expect to. The only person I ever wanted to impress was myself. I’ve never got anywhere close to succeeding in doing that until this album. I’m proud of it. I think I can start saying I’m a musician now“.
Arms Around A Vision é editado a 2 de outubro via Tough Love Records.