7 ao mês com Dead Astropilots
7 ao mês com Dead Astropilots

7 ao mês com Dead Astropilots
As sete escolhas da dupla eletrónica de post-punk sediada em Lille, que combina os elementos da new-wave monocromática à energia orgânica do punk e ao rigor hipnótico da música retrowave, podem ler-se e escutar-se abaixo.
Sonic Youth e Madonna numa tremenda colisão lo-fi! Máquinas barulhentas, guitarras estridentes e pop mainstream todos misturados!
Este é o caminho que adoptamos desde o início dos Dead Astropilots. Electro muito reles e distorcido, com riffs de guitarra e estruturas pop. É também uma grande representação do mundo onde temos vivido.
Formed by Rachel Biggs and Simon Dak, Dead Astropilots is the first international band to be part of our rubric “7 ao mês”, whose objective is to present bands/artists or promoters by revealing their musical tastes. This month, we invited the French duo – who released last January, through the Manic Depression Records label, the successor of … And Reach Palm Springs (2012), titled New Control – challenging them to choose seven artists/bands or albums/tracks that have influenced them as artists or people.
Sonic Youth and Madonna in the great lo-fi collider! Noisey machines, screaming guitars and mainstream pop hits mixed together!
This is the path we’ve chosen to take at the very beginning of Dead Astropilots. Very cheap and distorted electro, with guitar riffs and pop structures. It is also a great portrait of the world we’ve grown up into.
This band is probably the most important one for us. It’s a definition of electronic classical music. As musicians, we have very different backgrounds (Rachel first studied classical music, and Simon is a self- educated electro producer) and Kraftwerk was the perfect band to reunite all of our influences and tastes in music.
For Simon, it’s also the first musical memories of his life, when he heard Radio-Activity on the radio as a little child.
The Doors are “our Beatles” for many reasons. They were brilliant musicians who wrote songs with beautiful dark atmospheres. They also led us to poetry and literary rock. It’s also thanks to them that we discovered the Beat Generation’s writers that are a huge influence in our process of writing the lyrics.
The sound of the winter! Both of us are listening to The Cure since we were teenagers. But this particular album is the most important for us because of its minimalism and dark beauty. Robert Smith is also one of our favorite guitar players.
We’re listening to a lot of original movie soundtracks, and for us, “The Rite of The Spring” is the root of everything modern in classical music. It’s always a trip listening to this piece. We’ve seen a version of the ballet in Paris a few years ago directed by Romeo Castellucci. There were no musicians or dancers on the stage. Everything had been replaced by gigantic speakers and machines. It’s been an unforgettable experience!
This band is Rachel most important influence. Lisa Gerrard has no equivalent among the other singer. Their music is very inspiring for us because it mixes traditional parts with a very technological arrangement. It’s also been a way to discover the universe of world music that we didn’t know.
This album is so important for us because it shows how punk electronic music can be! Because of Suicide, we entered the universe of industrial music and dark electronic. We also love Alan Vega‘s writing. It’s rough and powerful, and so poetic.
If you want to know more about Dead Astropilots make sure you follow them on Facebook or Bandcamp, where you can buy their work.